Page 128 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 128

spirituality or religion, this is a ritual. The relationship between the stages and the 10 commandments is explained in the book Imperience Beckons
Now up to this we have come to the self, what was something connected with the annamaya kosa that is the bouthika, prananmaya kosa, manomaya kosa, we have said all these three levels are already passed by the humanity and we start only from manomaya onwards to vignanamaya and then to anandamaya. Now when you reach the 5th knot you are reaching a state of anandamaya. It’s a state of ecstasy, state of evenness, a balance, no thought condition and all the time happiness and that becomes a trap. We think that itself is the end, we would like to stay there, what else do I want? I want the ananda, I got it, what more do I want? This is the reason why saints and sages of the past have never gone beyond this because they were happy with it. Few among them ever thought of going above and that is a very very arduous process of trying to go from 5th knot to 6th knot because it is a very steep climb, all this time we have been going through a zigzag method.
In tradition, instead of this zigzag we have got from anahata to visuddha straight, it’s a straight line from heart to visuddha. First climb of 9” as it is put, dasangulam 10”. This is dasangula that comes, this dasangula is toughest, while the next is much worse. The next is much worse and that one we have got to go only like that, there is no other way but in this system what happens is the flow of consciousness is diverted through the two sides of your face to the kanta chakra from the higher plane and then there is a gradual movement to the upside. Lest you get stuck up at the 6th knot, we move on to the 7th which exactly is the replica of 1 and 1a, the same viveka and the vairagya comes in a different way here.
Now, we moved on from the Atma sarira to the Brahma sarira. You are no more confined to the body, the pinda does not hold you. The experiences of our living beyond the pinda is what you get even when you are at the lower planes when you are meditating. You get the tidings of that much earlier may be even in the 4th knot you start feeling that you are expanding. Your common experiences are that many people have reported to us that they have found there is no body consciousness. They say that we do not know where we are, we seem to have expanded, we are not able to localize, I am not able to feel my legs, I am not able feel my hands, and my jocular way of putting it always has been perhaps you are suffering from numbness because that’s also a time when we do not know what you

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