Page 122 - Liberal Exposition of Pranahuti Aided Meditation
P. 122

the smashan and coming back from it. That is the example given by Rev. SriRamchandraji Maharaj.
Now, you would like to be that, how can I do that? Here comes, because of the flow of thought from your lower portion to the upper portion what happens is, there is some vibration in the knot 1 itself which naturally happens. If it does not happen, in this system you are assisted by the transmitted power of the trainer to move to that level and from then onwards move towards next knot. Once you are stabilized at the Viveka and the Vairagya level reasonably, not totally, because if you get total Vairagya then the chances are you will not continue with grihasta ashram.
There is a peculiar method in this system that a person is allowed to move on to the higher plane of consciousness though his experience in the lower plane is less. This is similar to our system of education where a person who gets perhaps about 40% or 50% marks is promoted to the next class asking him to learn the remaining portion of the 50% later because that is anyway covered in the next class. This unique feature of pushing a person out from one knot to the other is a significant contribution of Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj to the field of spirituality.
Earlier, Bhidyate Hridaya granthis, chidyante sarva samshayaah. You have got to break open the knots whereas in this case, in this system, no knot is broken, they are loosened. They are loosened to allow the flow of consciousness to the upper side, to enable to move on. Such an enabling gives you the vibration at the 2nd knot, which is located in the right side of the chest as against the left with which you start with the heart, exact locations you can see the book (Path of Grace) itself. Here the first thing that we understand is that the consciousness transforms itself to one of an awareness of the interdependency we have got with each other and with that of the Divine. You know that we are not separate.
The individuated consciousness at the lower plane of consciousness in the heart is already got transformed by its movement to the upper plane and the development of the viveka and vairagya develops into an awareness of interdependency between all the people and more so with the force which is above us. We come to know that there is something above, very consciously we come to know about that. There is some binding factor for all of us though we seem to be separate. All human beings are united, for that matter all pranis are united. Some

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