Page 32 - Introduction to Prananhuti Aided Meditation
P. 32

We clean the very bottom of the mind lake from where the waves start. If we somehow succeed in stopping its waves, the matter which gives them rise will remain as it is. It is possible that by the force of the will the thought waves may be stopped, but the matter which had given rise to those thought waves remains. And if it is not removed, the liberation is not possible. We should proceed in a natural way so that the poison at the root may be removed. Our associates also complain of the incursions of the thoughts, but they are happy at the same time since they find thoughts less disturbing.
We can attain liberation, as our scriptures say, only when we are free from the coil of past Sanskaras or impressions. The present sanskaras are so much controlled by themselves that no further Sanskaras are, allowed to be formed. It is of course a spiritual state. And we come to it easily in Natural Path when we go deep into the consciousness.
The thoughts, which the mind creates, help a great deal to bring the past impressions to Bhoga. Some people may be afraid that, if they adopt the yogic means and the trail of Sanskaras continues, they may be in greater difficulties and may suffer from ailments, diseases and accidents. They may be right in their fears. But if such a thing is to happen the presence of the Master will, in that case, become useless. Theabhyasi himself works in removing their intensity, and the force of the Master too helps the abhyasi in his efforts to fry them to a great extent. The method may look foreign to the readers, but it is the ancient method which lay buried so far. The effect of the Bhoga is not so serious as the abhyasi considers, in spite of the fact that so many impressions have pushed themselves for the Bhoga. The cleaning of the system itself means the removing of all these things. The cleaning of the system brings the desired result very soon, and we become lighter and "Sookshma" day by day to secure union with the lightest.

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