Page 81 - Imperience Beckons
P. 81

forgiveness for the lapses. The imperience of the Divine had by us at the time of prayer gives us the courage and confidence that we can implement the instructions of the Master. It is the imperience that beckons us to implement the Commandments of the Master.
So when the Institute is talking about Sri Ram Chandra Consciousness, we are not talking to about a form of Divinity. Sri Ramchandra has no form and He himself said it so in his writings. But we have abhyasis asking whether they can meditate on His form. We advise not to. It is not possible for us. But we should meditate over His Commandments. We should try to live up to His commandments. We should try to live up to His expectations. This shall be our motto. This shall be our principle. This shall be the guiding principle. This alone will enable us to mould ourselves so that others may develop love and piety to Master.
We thus understand the Commandments that Sri Ram Chandra has given for all of us as something integral for living a spiritual life that ensures happiness for us all and lays foundation for the Kingdom of God to really exist. Humanity has a long way to go before it comes out of petty notions of exploitation for individual good, fighting wars in the name of religion covertly or overtly, seeking positions where one may wield power over other human beings even as humanity exploited the animals and other forms of life. It appears that Divinity is eager to assist us grow out of this lower level of mind governed by the physical and mental planes of our existence and is too willing to stoop to conquer us back to its fold. May this be the truth, may this be our future, may this happen soon.
Prayer seems to be the most effective way for the noble souls to achieve Kingdom of God on this very earth. Living in the presence of Divinity embedded deep in our hearts let us pray that every one of us lives up to the expectation of the Divine and make our lives meaningful.
We may conclude by saying let us learn to pray that we pray and continue in prayer so that prayer may continue.

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