Page 72 - Imperience Beckons
P. 72

able to complete our debt, whatever it may be, whatever Karma we have, we have completed enjoying it. Then the opportunity becomes a gift. The possibility of experiencing the whole thing as a heavenly gift makes us again remember the Master, which again assists us in our sadhana. Not as heavenly gifts as such because which heaven has given them? It is the Ultimate. It is the Master who says it is my gift. Heavenly gift, technically that should not be translated as gift from Swargam. This type of literal translations are possible. The heavenly gift means a gift from the God, the Master.
The miseries and difficulties that come to us are result of actions. By going through the results of our actions we are reducing the load on our being. The experiences during cleaning sessions of meditational practice that leave us in a relatively lighter state of being are positive indications of relief we are experiencing. Aspirants who experience this type of relief naturally get inclined to accept the miseries and afflictions as gifts from the Master. They enable them to think about the Homeland and as reminding agents they become our friends. The agents who appear to have caused misery to us then are in fact friends and the attitude of revenge becomes alien to this situation. This is a matter of knowledge gained through imperience.

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