Page 7 - Imperience Beckons
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part of trainers equipment to remember them. Somehow I do not feel convinced. But for these two minor lapses in my opinion he is the best person to write on Masters Commandments; he being an ardent devotee of Master and committed to his work. If I find in him any obsession it is his obsession to work for the Master and work for the betterment of what he calls always his abhyasi brethren. I know him to be a restless worker even when his physical health is not at its best and many times bad also.
I am too small to write about Revered Babuji. I am one of the few persons who was fortunate to attend to him physically serving in whatever manner I was asked to by my Revered father in law, Dr.Varadachari. I know the Master very intimately and I have been following the system with the inspiration of my husband, K.C.Narayana. Love Him who Loves all; yes to a large extent that is my sadhana. But these Commandments I am also following to the best of my understanding. On the contents of the book of Revered Babuji it would be impertinent to write about it. I know that the Commandments came to the Master in his superfine state of super consciousness and is equal to Veda. As Master said, “True Love cannot be expressed by words. This is the very reality which is inexplicable in anyway”. I do hope that the notes on the commentary will make sadhakas take to following the Commandments more assiduously.
30th April 2000 K.C. Santha

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