Page 68 - Imperience Beckons
P. 68

FRATERNITY (Commandment 6)
The sixth Commandment declares, "Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such".
There are two points here - knowing every person as brother or sister and treating him or her as such. What is the cause of miseries in life and who causes these miseries? Our misunderstanding is that the other man has created misery for us. We do not accept it as a Divine blessing. We do not accept that everything is coming to us as a gift. Our karma or action brings us happiness or misery. Both these are lessons given to us by God, the Samavarthi. Instead we think that some particular person has harmed us or that another person has done well to us, and because of this confusion we start developing hatred, enmity, jealousy. We go on confusing the things saying that " my son has behaved like this, my brother has behaved like this or my mother behaved like this, or my father behaved like this", or "a friend has let me down and this man to whom I have done so much, thinks it fit to do harm to me". This is the type of feeling that we get.
This happens when we are attached to our individual creation. When we attach ourselves to Divine creation and allow the Divinity to express fully these problems will not arise. The Master would seem to say "All of you people have come from me; you are only my expressions. Just as the children are the expressions of the parents, you are all my expression and there cannot be anything wrong between you; there can be nothing but love between you". Because we think that we are independent, because we don't remember our parentage, because we do not think about the great family background, -- family background is we are children of God - we are not able to treat each other with an attitude of fraternity.
The awareness that each one of us is connected to the Origin and our relationship towards it is one of devotedness, then we shall feel that we form a part of a great fraternity in expression. The Master promises that knowing the commonality of our origin is our real destiny and that is real goal of human life. Once we do that then the superficial and surface manner of trying to treat others as brothers or sisters because of the commonality of membership of a club or a commonality of membership in an association that most of us talk about ceases. The Master exhorts us to understand and be aware of our great parentage. Here we come to

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