Page 66 - Imperience Beckons
P. 66

situation where harm to others is done. But the nature of good will that we develop to others also provides a solution out of the situation. Trust in Master in such a situation enables us to perform our Dharma without essentially harming others.
More than anything else in sadhana, we can assess ourselves better when we are truthful to ourselves. It is said that truthfulness when establishes makes our words and actions become effective.
Whether we discharge our 'Karma' and get back to Him or not is not the concern in Sri Ram Chandra's Raja Yoga. We live here, we exist here, we make our life meaningful here as an expression of Divinity. That is our 'Karma' that is our duty. Not to get rid of our 'Karma Phala' and get back to the Base. That is not at all our approach. Ours is a positive approach. God created us for expressing Himself through us. He desires to express Himself through our existence with all our capacities. Whatever is the ability we have is the ability that is given to us, for the good of others. Just as God gives bountifully everything that we need, similarly through us, He expects to give what we have to others. Then our life becomes meaningful to others.
We are not only going to get back to the source. That is one of the purposes of Sadhana. But from the point of view of Sri Ram Chandra's Raja Yoga it is necessary to find a meaning for our existence here itself. Our being Free shall be expressed here and it need wait for the last day of our life. Our Master does not advocate a negative concept at all. He has got a positive concept and meaning to give for Life. This life given to us shall be used for the Divine by the Divine. He has given us this human life that is an opportunity - life is a great boon for us and at no point of time regret for having born is justified. This human life has a definite goal. It finds itself fulfilled when we express the Creator in the best of our potential. Because many of the vedantists unfortunately suffer from the notion that human life or samsara is a duhkha or sorrow there has been a tendency among many to regret our very existence and seek relief from it. We are to be happy about our existence. We are happy to be an expression of Divine. We allow the Divine to express itself fully through us, and when we do this the question of misery does not arise. The question of misery does not arise, nor the question of happiness arises. That is the same point of Lord Krishna when He says "Sukha Duhkhe Samekrtva" it means we are not having either 'Sukha' or 'Duhkha'. It is what Divinity wants to express. We express it and in turn we get something, and don't bother about it. It is a gift of Divine.

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