Page 61 - Imperience Beckons
P. 61

IDENTICALITY (Commandment 4)
The Fourth Commandment reminds us to, "Be plain and simple to be identical with Nature".
The Master asks us to be identical with Nature and qualifies it as being simple and plain. We have been struggling to conquer Nature and have been meeting with varied degrees of success and at no time of our scientific inquiry have we found Nature to be simple and plain. It always presented us a picture of awe and wonder and a complex entity that required all our wits to control or at least manage it. The exploration into the vast Universe continues with our having no idea of when it started and whence it is bound to.
Master however asserts that perfect calmness existed before creation and it was disturbed by the effect of the Stir or Kshob. This led to formation of forms and each of them carried a reflection of the real power. This he asserts is the case of man also. The dormant powers and elements that man brought with him in the beginning did not manifest. They were similar to the original nature of calm and balanced. However gradually the powers inherited by man from the Origin began to manifest and since the Divine play was tending downwards, human thought took the other direction to express his identity and he has created his own universe. Master gives an example of his days, explaining the development of a person from childhood to his mature years. In the process the individual develops attachment with varied things and many individuals and forgets his first attachment with the Divine. Every one of us have made a mess of our lives with the best of intentions to happy in the company of others. Father, mother, brothers and sisters have all become a source of worry and problem, given our varied degrees of attachment to them. Conflicts and friends and associates are our making due to the principle of undue attachment. Our creation now looms large at us and perhaps heckles at our inefficiency to meet the variegated situations.
Thus we are totally unnatural today. To the question why should we be simple and natural? There are so many economic, sociological and ecological factors that decide that. We can come to the same conclusion of this particular sentence "Be in tune or be plain and simple to be identical with nature" through various routes. We can give absolutely scientific reasons and there is no need for bringing in God here. But Raja Yoga is not based on these concepts. It is based on the concept that it is our primary duty to express Divinity in us rather than

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