Page 46 - Imperience Beckons
P. 46

BASICS (Commandment 1)
The first Commandment exhorts us to "Rise before dawn, offer your puja or prayer at a fixed hour preferably before sunrise, sitting in one and the same pose; have a separate place and seat for worship; purity of mind and body should be specially adhered to".
This is the longest of instructions we have got. This commandment has got in itself the whole system of sadhana. If we have understood this commandment, perhaps we don't have to read any more books of this system. 'Rise before dawn'. This word 'Dawn' has been explained well in 'Reality at Dawn'. The whole book of Reality at Dawn in a sense is a commentary on this. Why before dawn? Revered Babuji goes immediately to the concept of the Origin, the beginning of creation. How the latent motion has started? How the individual souls have shot up from it? Incidentally there was a question in the philosophy of Advaita, whether the individuality will continue when we reach the Base. The answer is the individual souls were already there, it was there inside first, dormant and then they manifested. However this is not acceptable to the Advaitin. Master however holds when the Kshobh started, that power, which stirred also, stirred the individualities lying dormant and the individuals expressed themselves by coming outside the Base.
Because the individual soul that has already had the taste of the origin, though comes out, wants to get back. But seeing before him the display of Kshob, Nature, Prakriti, he gets involved in it and gets carried down. A recurrent theme of Revered Babuji's philosophy has always been this, the origin of Kshobh, the Latent motion and Stir, the fall or creation. Latent motion is in individual, Stir is a cosmic thing. Divinity wills this creation, but then the individual who was with Origin was not inclined to sit there, he also comes out. In this connection there is a Sufi story to be recounted. God was with all the souls. Before creation we were all present, the individuality in the dormancy was also present. Then perhaps for His own Leela (divine play), no one explains why it happens, the Divinity created the world. Then nine out of ten souls who were around Him ran towards it, and got into the play of Nature / Prakriti. Then He created heaven. Again out of 10 remaining, nine people went to heaven, to seek pleasures, happiness. Then He created a Hell and 9 out of the remaining ten souls who were around the Master also started running away from Him. Then he put a question to the

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