Page 45 - Imperience Beckons
P. 45

merely orders arbitrarily given, but clearly explained in order to show their rationality in respect of the Goal, that is to be reached.
The point to note here is, all other religions give certain moral injunctions that appear similar or the same as the Master has given. For example, take the fifth commandment that says 'Be truthful'. Every religion has said it. Every saint has repeatedly said it. But no one has said it in the way that Revered Babuji has said it. Here the truthfulness is not just truth speaking and not talking lies but we are asked to be truthful to our true condition which is one of balancedness, the Ultimate state of consciousness that we are going to have in the company of Divinity. And if we are going to ask for that truth, if we are going to ask for that purity, we have to be pure and truthful. Revered Babuji never uses negative words, he is always positive. He says 'Be truthful'. It is not the mere act of telling truth that is demanded. "I am telling the truth", "I am totally honest", "I am truthful" are all fine, all this is right, and necessary. But only ReveredBabuji makes us reflect about our original condition of being truthful to our true nature. The Master has asserted that every one practicing the system experiences this state of Void or truthful condition. That is the philosophy behind this. Similarly, every Commandment has got a deep meaning and aids in our sadhana. In this system we find the first experience that is granted to every one a peace that surpasses understanding. That gives courage and confidence to tread the path.

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