Page 88 - Goal of Life
P. 88

began to flow, their actions and counteractions created a state of grossness which led to the formation of atoms (anus) and sub-atoms (paramanus) in their particular forms and shapes. The continuance of the flow created heat which was the very basis of life and which gave further stimulus to existence. But though the heat remained in existence, its force got diverted downwards. The \u2018up\u0027 and \u2018down\u0027 and \u2018high\u0027 and \u2018low\u0027 are thought and idea concepts and reflect essentially acclivitous and declivitous oscillatory tendencies between the subtlest and the grossest. When the downward tendency begins to diminish, the very same force which had been continuously pouring heat into the particles help to direct them upwards - like the power in the movement of a pendulum - wherefrom the existence started. There is great difference between the Nature\u0027s heat and that caused by the sun. The former originates from the reality and totally devoid of materiality, whereas the sun\u0027s heat originates from a comparatively gross or material source and is heavier. The Nature\u0027s heat may be more aptly called as force or energy. In this force or energy, the heat exists in a latent state whereas in the sun it is apparent. So, this downward tendency needs to be checked so that one can start the acclivitous movement towards the subtlest. The second fundamental is that when the world emerged into the\u000A83\u000A

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