Page 6 - Goal of Life
P. 6

GOAL OF LIFE\u000A\u201CThe highest point of human approach is where every kind of force, power, activity or even stimulus disappears and man enters a state of Complete Negation; Nothingness or Zero. That is the final goal of life\u201D.\u000APUJYA BABUJI MAHARAJ\u000AThe world today is in a state of unrest and disorder. There is total degeneration and degradation of social, cultural, humane and above all spiritual values. While national and racial prejudices vitiate international environment bringing to the fore the most inhuman atrocities against helpless populace, materialism in its worst form, selfishness in its ugliest state and egoism of highest solidity have come to dominate and characterise individual traits and conduct. The whole atmosphere is surcharged with prejudice and rivalry. We do not properly understand what effect our activities in the world produce upon the atmosphere of the Godly Region. When joined with the inner feelings of the heart, our activities create impressions in the Cosmos and they affect the human mind. They grow more and more powerful by the action of the cosmic energy; and the hearts of the people when hit or influenced by them, take in their effect and begin to\u000A1\u000A 

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