Page 97 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 97

42. 􏰀హవ్􏰁ాపలయ్ము (Jihwachaapalyamu)
It is well known that people who, having attained high states of knowledge, suffer from some weakness or the other, most common among them is being a victim of one’s own taste jihwachaapalya. Jihwachaapalya is not necessarily be connected to food, slander also comes under that i.e. having no control over tongue. People who talk excessively can also be considered as jihwaachapalya. A person who falls victim to this naturally fails in his sadhana and becomes victim of disciples who cater to the needs of the tongue. This could happen to a person who has developed Viveka and Vairagya.
Persons with jihwachaapalya becomes victims of the disciples. The disciples make a monkey of the guru and make him dance to their tunes. The poor fellow also goes from one house to another, citing a lunch at one place or the other. It is as good as the life of the monkey that is made to dance on the streets, probably the only

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