Page 212 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 212

92. సంశయము (Samsayamu)
Here the doubt arises whether the stage reached is the goal itself because the bodies of the lower plane- physical, vital, mental and aspirational have come to a balance and it is samadeha or a balanced body. A question arises because of this balance of the bodies whether this is the end itself.
There is a desire to come back to existence again and again. That is why people who are in atmananda are reborn. If we keep atmananda as our goal then we definitely come back.
The doubt is not about anything else, it is whether this itself is the goal. The atmasarira has been considered as the place of satchitananda itself by many people and because there is an enormous expansion is there, happiness is there and the chaitanyaramamu gives a feeling of absolute calmness which is experienced in the 5th knot. Therefore doubt comes, you almost confuse it with the end

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