Page 156 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 156

consciousness of brotherhood, not just speaking, which is possible at the stage of daya, vatsalya and karuna. You can talk about brotherhood there also. You must come over those states and get stabilized in bhakti, then only it becomes possible. Bhakti towards divine, attachment to the divine alone makes it possible for you to live in brotherhood.
Swabhimanamu goes with maitri. Somebody should help you. When he helps, he becomes great. Now, If you are aware that you are great, your consciousness is great, you will never yield afterwards. You have to yield there. Naityanusandaanamu becomes an impossibility for a person on the path. It requires a Master to help us, we cannot move ourselves, that is why surrender is not a joke.

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