Page 146 - Ecstasy and Agony in the Journey to Infinity
P. 146

pushed out to the higher plane. It is a generalization made by purohits that people who do some good and lot of bad first go to the higher plane and then come to the next plane. And your experience of two worlds will also depend upon the people with whom we are associated earlier. It might be your family, sometimes we don’t know how to recognize them also. They don’t know how to recognize you, you don’t know how to recognize them but none of the ancestors stay in this plane for more than 20 years. They either come down or go up. For satvic people also, they stay at the satvic layer for sometime and may come back, because liberation is not there.
Kshoba is an experience. Hell means kshoba. The approximate equivalent I know about in the physical plane is the giant wheel.
The question may come as to how one can enjoy hell. For anyone who has tasted beer, they enjoy the bitterness. That is the answer. When we go to a cinema we know what kind of emotions you get there. Why do we go there? So, by option you are in hell. If someone askes if a man can be in hell by option, we can say this is the example. The truth is we punish ourselves. It is our

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