Page 129 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 129

each decision we make. We are creating new relationships to each other; which honours differences and embraces common good. The sense of insecurity and fear is passing away and we shall live in confidence and courage we naturally have in a life of interdependency and cooperation. In the Natural Path we are treading under the ever vigilant eyes of our beloved Master Babuji Maharaj we are excited about the spiritual relationship of dependency and interdependency we have with him and all that exists. We in the Natural Path feel ‘appointed’ for this cause and are never disappointed with the grace of God and shall always endeavour to carry out His will in every respect. There is no fear to live according to His will more so because of the presence of the Master deep within our heart. I crave your indulgence to mention some personal matter. In the early 1970’s and even afterwards I used to feel disappointed with the way in which work was being done by many persons in the cause of the Master and his mission. Master wrote to me and I quote “I feel, I do not know how far I am right, that sometimes you feel disappointed. When I am there for your service, disappointment should be set aside.”( letter of the Master Dt/- 14th Aug.1972) I think this advice given to me may be

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