Page 57 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 8
P. 57

mysterious of men, makes His appearance. Alone against the world, without a single human being capable of teaching, of guiding, of fully understanding Him, or of sharing His responsibility, He arises, like a seer among blind men and as a sage to proclaim His message of righteousness and truth.
Amongst such men some stand out like the star on the morning sky. It is true every few centuries a great Divine messenger appears on the scene like a spiritual Sun, to illumine the darkened minds of men and awakens their dormant souls. Whatever our views as to the relative greatness of these great messengers we must admit that they have been the most potent factors in the education of mankind. These unique persons declare that the words they utter are not from themselves, but are a revelation through them, a Divine message of which they are the bearers. Their recorded utterances abound, too, in hints and promises of a great world teacher who will appear to carry on their work and bring it to

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