Page 86 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 86

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
such misfortunes be it in the realms of mental, physical or the man to turn the attention to the Divine and seek solace in being in tune with Him should exploit vital spheres of the beings. In fact it is traditionally said that physical afflictions are cures for spiritual diseases. The more is the intensity of our desires and wishes the more would be the enormity and extensiveness of miseries and afflictions. We should free ourselves from these entanglements. The only recourse that has been and can now be successfully followed is to divert our attention from these and fix our eyes on the very real thing. The truth of the truth, the Ultimate.
By recollecting the sufferings each one of us have undergone and still undergoing we understand the flowers we got we had developed tolerence, patience, endurance, empathy etc.,
During every suffering when we observe to ourselves we can feel the company of Master more intensely and gives us solace. Instead some like to brood over the problem enjoy suffering seeking the sympathy of one and all. By accepting the problem we can get over it easily and by fighting it out the pain increases. Problems get sorted out in their own way and the best thing for one is to depend on GOD during such occasions.
Some of the good qualities that I could acquire(to some extent) by undergoing sufferings in life which Master mentions as flowers are as follows:-
1. Feeling of dependency on Master and His presence in heart continuously.
2. Feeling of emphathy. Only a person who experienced a problem can empathize with others problems.
3. Tolerance. we are compelled to be tolerant during problems otherwise it increases the pain.

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