Page 624 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 624

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
changeable, and either we take interest in it or reject it, and both of these are the links for bondage. We should rise above all these if we want to live life. Our method brings out these results if we practice it with interest.”
What is the primary purpose? As Master states “We have come out from Divine energy, and it has become our base. But it has gone out of sight which we have to revive, if we want to maintain ourselves”.
In order for us to revive the primary purpose one needs to remove all the coverings which we have created for ourselves. One should try and get rid of all attachments and try to be moderate in all our dealings.
As Sri K.C. Narayana states “The primary consciousness being our true nature has to be awakened by fully roasting the seed of ignorance in the fire- Beej Dagdh. Thus alone one becomes a living dead or living liberated in this very life while still in the human body. In a nutshell it simply means getting rid of ego and notion of separate self/ soul”.
One in whom the duality is totally annihilated and only Prayer subsists is considered as liberated while living. One must also have the grace of the Guru and should be free of the idea of I and mine and should not be affected by doership.
In the prayer given by Revered Master it states that “O Master, Thou art the real goal of human life, We are yet but slaves of wishes.” The point to note here would be that we are slaves of wishes, not our wishes but wishes in general i.e wishes of our parents, brothers, sisters, children, guru, friends, enemies and other persons with whom we have had contact either in this life or the previous. While influence of our wishes upon our beliefs,

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