Page 560 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 560

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
The prayer given by the Master precisely addresses the above three issues and is not dogmatic in any sense. That is the reason, masters of our spiritual order several times explained that our prayer is not only very unique but also quite significant, for it differs from other kind of prevalent prayers that it is neither a set of praises about the glory and greatness of the God nor it is an exercise of petitioning. It is more yogic in nature for yogi always see himself in relation to the God/Goal and seeks to bridge the gap. If the prayer is viewed from the Ontological sense it clearly states the relationship of dependency of man on God, which can be also be viewed as a qualified interdependency – a philosophers angle. But from the scientist’s viewpoint, the principle of interdependence of man and Nature is also quite acceptable for they are also exploring the very relationship between and Nature/God in their own way.
Master emphasizes the fact that spirituality is a science. To quote, “The knowledge of the Divine is a science.” SDG - Message of my Master. I understand the word science referred here to mean that Divine(ity) can be experienced or felt. The experiences have been described by the Master in His masterpiece work - The commentary on the Ten commandments, which is the most valuable book. He says in commandment-1, “The third phase of manifestation relates to the material exposition of the objects of Nature. People remain entangled in it, forming numerous ideas and desires. Generally our eye is attracted by anything bright and glaring, which we commonly misunderstand as Sat. This bright object is nothing except Maya and those who talk so highly about it are in fact far away from the sphere of spirituality even, not to say of Reality. But people have developed such a state of torpidity that they are neither prone to hear nor perceive anything in this connection. They have lost sight of the true Reality which is beyond both light and darkness. This

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