Page 347 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 347

Remembrance of everything should merge into the Remembrance of One – the Ultimate
pity, in request we become the object of mercy, but in prayer we become the object of Divine Love. God loves
those who pray to him with faith and devotion.
Let me conclude with the following recordings of Revered Bubuji Maharaj as extracted from auto part II Vol. III P.152.
“If liberation is lost this time, who can guarantee the prospect in future! Nobody knows what is going to happen the next day. This time Nature incarnated for the liberation of souls; so you are all reaping double Benefit; I mean those of you who have faith in God’s work and management”
In view of the above let us utilize this golden opportunity thrown open to us by the benevolence of Pujya Babuji Maharaj to the utmost. Let us make haste!
May His blessings be showered on us in torrents for ever and ever to move onward, forward and Godward and the Natural path lead one and all from despair and bondage to real peace, freedom and to the Ultimate! Amen.
2. I. Chalapathi Rao
Recently when I was going through a site I found the word Fana, a term used by Sufi Saints for the condition of negation. Babuji Maharaj also gives us the concepts of fana (negation) and fana-e-fana (negation of negation). In the site fana has been defined it as self annihilation, at the very face of it, the word self annihilation arouses a negative emotion in the mind and can also create fear in the minds of the common man. Immediately a thought came to me about the concepts of remembrance with negation as explained by Babuji Maharaj. I thought since all of us have certain amount of

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