Page 331 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 331

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
discrimination between right and wrong, good and evil, and puffed up with feelings of deep undue attachment to persons, things and property, over a period of time ultimately resulting in formation of samskaras. When they get deep, they make the mind rigidly adhere to the environment and associations supporting evil tendencies. The effect of samskaras is commencement of feelings of comfort and joy when liking is predominant and discomfort, misery and sorrow results when the conditions prevalent at that time are not to our liking. This is a state of mind which has lost its equanimity. We make serious efforts to get out of the unfavourable situations or continue to have and enjoy a favourable situation. When we meet with failure either way, our miseries get increased many fold.
In the absence of a spiritual guide, the real inner state of mind can not be experienced little realizing that undue attachments to objects and environment create impressions on the heart. Consequently, a feeling of being a doer doesn’t arise in him. By the influence of samskaras (accumulations in the previous births along with those now formed in this life), actions are vitiated making his condition worse. At this stage, it may be only the guidance and help of a worthy spiritual Master that can bring about transformation of his darkened inner state.
A word about the timing and logic behind ‘cleaning’ is not out of context. Cleaning is prescribed in the evening after the day’s routine is over, logic behind it being the cooling down of the day’s heat reminding us of the state of Pralaya, as opposed to dawn bringing memory of creation. Individual pralaya is attempted which means our getting rid of various samskaras covering us as mala, vikshepa or avarana daily accumulated over an unspecified period. That is why even before dawn, before commencement of day’s creation in nature, meditation at

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