Page 10 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 4
P. 10

An aspirant through self-evaluation can see clearly his  ̳pretense‘ and such a one can easily confront the same. We know that if we confront any person who is pretentious about something that he does, he often feels insulted and would retaliate. Or, he may offer a reason for, why he feels the drama is necessary. Rarely he may even realize that the pretense is unnecessary.
However, when the pretense is about ones‘ own status or identity in spirituality and someone believes that  ̳he is advanced‘ while in fact  ̳he is not that‘ and when circumstances in life exposes it, it is a terrible shock and he is left in the unknown, scrambling for something to cling to. When an individual points out the pretense of this identity, it may very well be perceived as a direct and personal threat. The funniest part of it is the individual was dubbed with  ̳the false identity‘ by his admirers and followers and one may not be fooling himself.  ̳Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them‘ as stated by William Shakespeare in his drama Twelfth Night.

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