Page 24 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 3
P. 24

to appreciate what is given rather than focusing on what may be missing. “I am satisfied” is not the same as “I do not mind even if I do not have.” The commandments 5 and 7 of the Master requires us to develop the attitude of ‘radical acceptance’ which implies unconditional Maitri (friendliness) where openness and love are such as that we are prepared always to receive with gratitude all that happens to us. Such a life of contentment has no barriers to the being and any and every one finds a place in our heart even if we do not like what they may think or do. Contentment really means that we have the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, having the courage to change the things that can be changed and the wisdom to know the difference between these two.
The practice of embracing between intimate persons is an acknowledgement of the acceptance of each other which shaking hands cannot accomplish. Unconditional acceptance is an ecstatic embrace with Reality and it is not static: it is dynamic and vibrant.

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