Page 272 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 272

Due Attachment
A) Ahimsa, Asteya, Aparigraha, Brahmacharya and Satya are the pillars on which the spiritual life has to be founded. There is no choice in this so far as I know. Of course of the 5 obstacles namely Kama, Krodha, Moha, Lobha and Ahankar Master asks us to attend to the latter three while only attempt moderation in Kama and Krodha. The attachments we have are to wife, sons and property; they should become due attachment only. To the question what is due attachment my finding is that which is coming in the way of spiritual path is undue and that which does not come in the way are due. There is no point in going to details. While there is need to arrive at certain basic parameters I do not think any one can say these are the only parameters in the sense of exclusiveness.
A) Strong attachments are good so long as they are also leading us/ or they also move along with us in the path. Otherwise in the Journey there are many
halts for alleged need for water or rest or shade. 270

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