Page 248 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 248

Clarifications on Individual sittings
Q) Couldn't take Individual in-absentia sittings for more than half of the month as my Trainer was out of Country.
A) Please do sit on the days when appointment is given and seek help from the Master. You will get such help as is necessary.
Q) In Today’s sitting had a lot of churning feeling in the head. It is like mixing of cement and sand in a mixer. No reeling sensation as earlier, immense feeling of absorption in a different manner. I pray to Babuji to enable me to sense exactly the real things that happen to me. Something else is to be followed by me practically. I could not catch it. What it could be?
A) Transmission works in many ways and all of them are not clearly understood except that cleaning happens always/most of the time. Further in the field
of Life there is no reason to insist that everything 246

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