Page 204 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 2
P. 204

Q) Meditation was bit disturbed due to body pain but felt light and calm.
A) When body is not well it has its problems to offer to us, but there is no one without physical ailments. If the body-me confusion is gotten rid off you may accept these problems easily.
Q) How would I know if thoughts are getting suppressed or naturally going away?
A) In our system there is no question of suppression. We do not give any such suggestions. Suppressions and repressions are efforts with certain techniques. In our system we ask you to meditate on the Divine light without luminosity. This concept is trans-rational as rationally we cannot think of any light without luminosity. We are expressing our helplessness to know the Divinity by giving this suggestion and wait on God to help us. Here subconsciousness is also not involved as we are not catering to any needs or urges or drives which relate to that realm. So the
question of suppression of that does not arise. What 202

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