Page 37 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 37

vapour or smoke. When we give this concept we are using the concept of fire. It is the agnitatva that is being invoked. It is the god in Agni that is being invoked to get rid of these things. He burns it off. Whatever comes to him he burns it off and throws off, this is one method of purification.
There is another method in which we think that it is ocean of bliss in which we are seated and then it cleanses us. Here it is the jala tatva, another purification element. The divinity in the water is being utilised by us for our cleansing. These are all the things that enable us to clean. What are all the things that we use? Because the system is scientific. What are the things that we use? One method is to burn off and get rid of it another method is to wash and clean ourself.
The third method is the method of light. The light is at the top of the head and then we try to link it up to our system and it cleanses us from the various limbs of ours. Two upper limbs and two lower limbs. Generally we use the method of light when working on other persons. I have used it very effectively with abhyasis who come to me. I personally practice only the concept of ocean of bliss. Generally suggested method by the

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