Page 302 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 302

help received is immense but the helper is not directly involved in the process.
Revered Babuji uses the word Master’s support while discussing in detail about the Sadhana in his system. It is support and not a replacement of one’s efforts by a total abdication to the Guru and be solely dependent upon him as in the case of hypnotism etc.
The system of Rajayoga advocated by Sri Ramchandra therefore differs from the traditional yoga in as much as Prana is accepted as thought force in human beings and regulation of that is what is to be attempted for success in yoga. It is pranahuti and not pranayama that is what is important.
The question arises whether such an act is extraneous to the self. Even as breath is something that is common between the external environment and the internal environment of the sadhaka, so is thought which is the original energy in expression common and the question of extraneity does not arise. The concept of Prana being clear pranahuti then would mean not an external power that is infused into a being but would mean a sort of force which by its very nature (thought)

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