Page 297 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 297

scheme of Divine expression into multitude. Revered Babuji asserts that when the seers said that man is moulded in the form of God this is what they meant. A very simple and profound concept lost sight of perhaps due to this simplicity and has created enough myths and idols all in an effort to prove the similarity of existence between Divinity and Humanity.
The prana is in a state of balance and equanimity whenever it is dwelling on the (thoughts of) origin or base or ultimate. When it by peculiar circumstances, gets attached to anything other than the origin, it tries to wriggle itself of the clutches of such extraneous matter. And that is the origin of the consciousness of thoughts. We become aware of thoughts because mind rejects such matter. This is the most profound theory of Revered Babuji Maharaj on the nature of mind.
Now, that the origin of awareness of thoughts in human beings is explained, the control land utilisation of which Yoga is all about becomes easier to practice. When the mind is given consciously thoughts relating to Master, Divinity or the Ultimate, it is in a state of equanimity and when the thoughts are other than that,

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