Page 115 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 1
P. 115

being understood and therefore mystified even as any other religious technique has condemned itself to, by yielding to the demand of the lower nature, is capable of enabling us to control the lower vrittis as our beloved Master called and uplifting ourselves to the more human and super conscious levels of our being. This is what I tried to emphasis in my article on” Pranahuti-its relevance in Sadhana”.
I must say that all those who are determined to move in the path of spirituality can be sure of their spiritual destiny. If any one fails to reach it, it can be only for one of the two reasons, either because they leave the path or because for some lure of ambition, desire or other similar reasons they go astray from the sincere dependence on the Master.
There are some abhyasis who make the statement that they are dejected or depressed at the fact they have been falling off the required practice, I must say there cannot be any other worse feeling to the progress in the path. They almost a make a virtue of repeatedly telling that they are worthless and totally incapable for the task and only the Master has to help

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