Glossary - N

Word Meaning
Naada Psychic sound, vibrations.
Naadi Nerves carrying psychic vibrations.
Naadi suddhi Purification of the psychic paths of vibrations or sounds.
Naaya Lead.
Naayaka Leader on the path.
Nirbija Seedless.
Nirguna Without attributes: without imperfections, without the attributes of sattva, rajas, and tamas or the latter two attributes.
Nirvana Extinction of the principle of egoism. A state of transcendent peace where all desires have been extinguished. Brahma- Nirvana- a condition of mergence in Brahma or Nature.
Nirvikalpaka As applied to concentration it is an exclusive concentration upon an entity without distinguishing between knower, knowing and the known.
Nivrtti Involution, withdrawal from other activity.
Niyama Disciplines such as soucha (cleanliness), Isvarapranidhana- (surrender to God); -nitya-karma (performance of daily duties) and nimitta-karma- (duties prescribed for each individual); daana- (charity), daya (mercifulness). Observances.
Nyaasa Placing or pointing to a place; placing oneself. Karanyaasa: placing the hands; Bhara-nyaasa: surrendering oneself to God by placing oneself in God or at God' s feet; Sanyasa: Renunciation of all ties, relations and wealth and wandering without hearth or home. The fourth stage of man' s life.
Nyaya Rule, principle or law; also a system of logic or tarka